VOTE STAY- educated young migrant view

Tomorrow is the big day. People in England will have the opportunity to vote whether they’d like to remain or leave the EU. I have decided to share my view on this matter: not only as a migrant, but as a young person who is educated to a Master's level.

I normally just write about fashion, but I would like to write about something that I am very interested in. My opinion may not be respected as I am foreign and was not born here, but I have spent the last ten years living in this wonderful country full of rain.

My view is simple: REMAIN. 

I have many reasons behind this view. I have spent the last 5 years studying business, I have just finished my INTERNATIONAL business management degree and one of my main modules included EUROPEAN BUSINESS in which I excelled. I am currently doing a Master's at UCL in Politics and Security of Central and Eastern Europe, along with Russia.
I therefore think I have a sufficient amount of knowledge on the matter. I was involved in politics from a young age where I was a Medway Young Commissioner and even shadowed MP Tracy Crouch in the House of Commons.

I would just like to say a few things. I’m not going to state facts nor which famous person is voting to leave or stay, you can find that on the internet. I will just tell you the truth.I came here for education and jobs. I didn’t come here to steal it. I understand people are scared that ‘immigrants’ will ‘STEAL’ their jobs. I have worked my butt off, working 2 jobs while studying full –time at University to get to where I am. Me and my parents have left everything behind (family, good jobs, friends) for me to be able to attend university. Not only do they both work very hard and have good jobs, they pay tax and give a lot back to the community.

Let me tell you something, if a foreigner who doesn’t speak the language gets the job and you don’t, I don’t think they are to blame. NO ONE is going to give a job to a foreigner who cannot speak the language over someone that can. They will get that job because they have experience and qualifications. That therefore means that they are better than you in the hierarchy of the job market. Who is to blame? YOU! You have had the same, or even better opportunities to gain qualifications and experience. The government gives you free education up to the age of 18, supports apprenticeships and helps with University Fees. The opportunity is there and if you didn’t take advantage of that and didn’t try hard enough, don’t blame a foreigner for being unemployed.  YOU ARE TO BLAME (partly, I am aware we do have unemployment and job shortages also)

Second point that gets my attention is that the EU isn’t the best option. I understand that. I see it. But let me tell you something, leaving the EU isn’t a much better option. Let’s use our power and fix the glitches within the EU to make it stronger and make it work better. The EU is a great thing, so many people benefit without realising. For example your local farmer who gets money from the Common Agricultural Policy, your neighbour who has just been to Benidorm,  business consultant down the road who went on an Erasmus programme and studied in Belgium or your friend who is a small business and exports freely to Spain. Do you enjoy cheap imported fruit? Prices will go up if a trade deal isn’t going to be negotiated. 

If we leave the EU, UK will face MANY YEARS of uncertainty before everything is working. Laws will have to be created, trade agreements negotiated etc etc… I am currently 20 and after my Masters in Politics and Economics, I do not want to leave because of a business environment that is uncertain and doesn’t benefit me as a well-educated young person. You may suggest I leave the country and go work elsewhere. I can do that. In fact I will. I’ll go work and pay my taxes elsewhere instead of supporting your lazy benefit ass that cannot get a job because you couldn’t even get 5 GCSE’s at grade A-C. I got 12 and I couldn’t even speak English.

As an economics and business student I see all the benefits of being in the EU, including all the help small businesses get or how multinationals benefit from migrants who fill the unemployment gap. You think the UK pays too much money to the EU- I studied the budget carefully and I can tell you it is used well. It does need updating and changes, but the budget is spent on improving the whole of EU. The way structural funds work is that money is spent on poorer regions to increase employment, education and the environment. It actually solves a problem. If a poorer country like Slovakia gets investment from  the EU, more jobs will be created and these ‘immigrants’ as you call us will stay at home and have a better future. Give it some time to work and you will see changes.

The economic benefits that come from being in the EU are enormous and I could list them all but lets take the example of exports. We export to the EU more than they export to the UK, the amount of firms which will have to increase prices due to higher material costs and hiring and training new people and many people may become redundant. If anything we need the EU, the EU doesn't need us as much.

In terms of rumours,  Turkey will not join EU unless it fulfils a VERY LARGE number of requirements including economic and political stability. In terms of an EU army, it is not going to happen. EU is not a country, it cannot have an army. If it could, it would of used it against Russia in the annexation of Crimea. It had to result in a different punishment hence why sanctions on trade and finance have taken place. DO NOT let media fool you, do your research and choose wisely. 

You don’t have to agree with me, just take my points into consideration. I will not tell you who to vote for, it is your decision and your country. But please, If you are unsure, vote to stay IN as we can always leave the EU later, but coming back will not be an easy option.

Thank you for reading.
